I really am in another world today so you must please excuse me. The lack of news that tweaks me is quite staggering. Unless of course you include what happened to me an hour ago. I’m talking specifically about the debilitating pain than runs down ones entire body waiting in the queue at the BP express shop on Somerset Road, Green Point. They’ve honestly turned it into a fine art. People walking around aimlessly behind the counter, trying to tend to the petrol attendants at the one window trying to get change, and some cow buying two rolls with a chip and pin card at the main window. The other spare window.. empty, with the manager on the floor cutting open something with a pair of scissors.
But enough about that – I should have just stuck to the rule about not interacting with civilians on a Monday. CLEARLY all still broken from the weekend.
From this to that, here are some pics of Matt Damon riding the Argus Cycle Tour yesterday.
Francois “Call me Franki” Pienaar and Matt Damon
Watched on by a very interesting man
Matt Damon and his brother Kyle
From The Times:
Sprain and gales fail to deter Hollywood star
“IT WAS fabulous! Of course I would do it again! †yelled Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon as he climbed off his bike after cycling a gruelling 110km in yesterday’s Cape Argus Tour.
Damon, in Cape Town to film The Human Factor, about the 1995 Rugby World Cup, under the direction of Clint Eastwood, was joined by his younger brother, Kyle, on a tandem.
“We’ve never been on a tandem before,†Matt said, adding that he was concerned about the wind.
Nerine Pienaar, with her sons, watched her rugby-hero husband, Francois, set off. Damon is playing Pienaar in the film. Morgan Freeman plays former president Nelson Mandela.
Asked if her husband would give Matt cycling advice during the race, she said he probably wouldn’t need it because Kyle was an experienced contestant in the Ironman endurance competition.
Matt performed valiantly considering he suffered a sprained ankle on Thursday in a rugby practice session coached by former Springbok Chester Williams.
This year’s race was billed as the most challenging in the event’s 32-year history because of the gale-force winds of up to 140km/h.
The Damon brothers, who arrived at the finish shortly before the seven-hour cut-off time, were whisked away in a golf cart seconds after climbing off their bike to applause and loud whistling by the crowd.
“We had to call a mechanic, our bike was stuck in one gear,†a sweaty Matt said.
Photos courtesy of the Matt Damon News Column.