As predicted, this last weekend’s Cape Town Tens was a runaway success, with 10/10 scores from anyone that matters. The tournament has been accepted on the world stage and is pipped to become bigger than the Hong Kong Sevens within the next two years.
The facilitation of recreational boozing was apparent, as everyone went balls to the wall on the Saturday night (and the Friday!), only to realise that the finals were on the Sunday. Needless to say the tackles were a tad more painful on the final day!
Here are some great highlight pics, followed by a HI LA RIOUS video with Hugh Bladen!
Real nice
Corne Krige, Bob Skinstad and Andre Vos
Following through on instructions – Fleck
Skinstad – pensive
Dan Nicholl tries to remain composed
As Tracy McGregor wears another incredible top..
Maties took top honours
as they found a way to drink through three hangovers
and clinch victory! Mooi, julle!
Outstanding vibes. Outstanding day. Outstanding weather. Outstanding angels. Outstanding beer.
I think Hugh Bladen says it best – the tournament was UN BE LIE VABLE!
I’ll send you off with this BEAUT of a video, featuring our boy..
Check out more pics of angels, thrills and spills at
the Cape Town Tens website