I posted an article a couple days ago about Idols and, in particular, Dave Thompson suggesting the show might not go on. I also expressed dismay at Randall Abrahams playing the nasty character but ballsing up his sayings/phrases when he does so. All of this came after spending 5 minutes on the Idols highlights channel that I stumbled upon as I flipped through the satellite.
Dave “DT” Thompson
You might want to CLICK HERE to read that article before I show you the emails I received yesterday from both Dave Thompson and Randall Abrahams who seemed to lose all sense and felt compelled to write to my humble self from the great dizzy heights of the power house that is SA’s Sony BMG.
This, the email from Dave:
From: Dave.Thompson@sonymusic.com [mailto:Dave.Thompson@sonymusic.com]
Sent: 05 February 2009 04:12 PM
To: editor@2oceansvibe.com
Cc: randall@praekelt.co.za; gareth.cliff@5fm.co.za; Shaun.Myburg@sonymusic.com
Subject: Idols 5Hey Seth
Good to know you’re fully tuned into Idols to the point that you even watch the highlights channel!
Strange behaviour for someone who clearly despises the judges, and I guess the show in general.
Anyway, I thought I’d just clarify a few points that may set your mind at ease regarding future seasons of Idols.
My comment regarding “the competition continuing after this year” was no slip of the tongue. It’s a plain and simple fact.
Since Idols 1, M-Net have never committed to more than one season at a time. This season is no different.
In fact in most instances the judges receive a brief call from the producers of the show about four weeks before the first day of shooting, informing us that the next series has been approved.
So it would be irresponsible of me to advise any contestant to try again next time, when I honestly don’t know [and nor does anyone else] if there will be “a next time”
Who informed you that Idols doesn’t work? Why would M-Net commission a 5th series if it didn’t?
M-Net measures their results by advertising revenue and viewership, and Idols is one of their most successful franchises. What happens to the contestants whether they win or not, has no impact ,positive or negative on M-Net.
So come on Seth, change channels, and let Idols continue in the same successful vein as they have been for the past seven years.
Hey Dave,
Thanks for the email and for taking the time out to stop everything and step down from the awesome heights of Sony BMG (South Africa) in order to write an email to me and 2oceansvibe within 24 hours of my original article. I’m genuinely blown away that you felt so compelled to explain yourself at such great length. Really there was no need. I wasn’t going to send you to the headmaster (or rather, your emperor in Japan..).
Before going on I simply must ask – did you find the article because you read my site, or did someone send it to you? Or was it because the article is number one in Google for the search “dave thompson idols?”
DAVE! You were Googling yourself, weren’t you!!??
Thank you for explaining to me the reason why the South African Idols winners do so poorly. As you said, “What happens to the contestants whether they win or not, has no impact, positive or negative on M-Net.”
I must then ask the question, is Idols a vehicle for SonyBMG (and a cosy relationship with MNET) or for the talent of South Africa?
It’s nothing new, I suppose, the big record label bullying is well documented. With big-fish-small-pond SonyBMG’s (SA) draconian ways and bigger-than-thou attitude and no understanding of the new music revolution (digital + marketing etc), it’s no surprise that it’s all turning into a bit of a Homewreck.
Thank you also for “clearing up” the matter regarding next season and the fact that absolutely no-one is sure that there will be another show.
For someone with SO much experience and SO much respect in “the industry” I cannot fathom why you would make the COMPLETE rookie error of interfacing directly with someone who has a rant and judges you on a blog site.
In fact, isn’t that what your job is on Idols?
Wow, I think I know a little boy who can’t take what he gives?
This is the big league, Dave
Grow up.
My very best,
Seth Rotherham
ps. please thank Randall for his messages he gave me on Gareth Cliff’s 5fm morning show. I’ll be responding to that and his email to me a little later.