It’s all about how you package yourself. You got to start thinking about Brand YOU . Take Sunny here, for example. He’s taken it to the next level.
And not only has he put a picture on the side of his car, he’s put FIVE. Different styles, different gestures. All saying one thing, “I’m flexible – I’m a chameleon – I’m a good guy.”
He did well to give not only his real name, but also the nickname you might know him as – Sunny. Actor / Presenter / Voice Artist, at your service.
He left out another one : Spice Master.
Click image to zoom in.
I featured an article like this on the site a couple years back with a guy in a red citi Golf. His face was larger than life over the side (towards the back) of the car. An estate agent I think it was. I can’t find the article but if you do, please remind me where it is.
[thanks sox]