Friday, March 14, 2025

January 16, 2009


Wow! This numberplate fetish seems to have really taken off with you lot! I have never received such a solid stream of emails relating to one topic in my life. Well, this life, that is. I received LOADS in my past life as a 16th century prince, but we didn’t have email then. I received hand written letters. SCORES of them, all from beautiful women in and around planet earth. Delivered by my runners – nimble folk trained specifically for delivering mail. Shouting at them was like pressing send/receive.

Back to the point, the flow was too great to cope with one article per sighting, so I thought I would give you a roundup.

Do enjoy.


Whoah! That’s a BIG call, pal.

Same kak, different day
Spotted in Kenya, where many vehicles have KAK plates

Fairly amazing – NEW ML63 WP
On the new Mercedes Benz ML 63 WP

A number of you saw this one. A Merc Brabus , no less!
This one focuses on the one-digit obsession
and how people will do anything to imitate
the real thing

Hmm… average

Ooh, I’m not too sure about that one.
Spicy at best

IMG 0095

I’ve seen this one on the road before
I’m fine with it


It’s SO bad on SO many levels
For those of you who struggled, as I did
the vibe he is going for is “Who Are You”
For God’s sake, man!

Hopefully it’s just a phase he’s going through

My programmer’s car gets the thumbs up
(He does Search Engine Optimisation)
Check out another similar plate that he found

mixed 011 (Small)
Hmmm, yes, we’ve been down this road..
A personalised WP plate, masquerading as a short CA plate.
Two words – Un Cool

Plett 002
The Plett Set
CX is the original Plett number plate
Not that it helps clarify what exactly is going on here


Ok, so there you have it. A good selection and a great flush out of flagged items in my inbox.


Chat later – I’m in Hermanus at the moment, throwing out the vibe, thinking of you.

The way you smile.

The way you laugh.

But most of all.

Yeah, most of all….

I like the way you move!


[thanks james, janine, brad, jed, demitri, mark, ryan, brad, daniel, joel, graham, neal, jesse, annette, peter]