So we’ve chatted about various car number plates on these pages and, in particular, the pretenders out there, specifically those who include CA at the beginning of their WP plates (here and here).
As suggested before, the idea is to get as close as possible to the purest of the pure – the single digit CA numberplates . As you know, the mayor, Helen Zille has CA 1 on her Toyota Prius and CA 3 – well, you know where that one is!
That is why we are very pleased to include a shot of the missing link – CA 2.
CA 2 – the missing link
Funnily enough, it was 2oceansvibe character, The Wedding Singer‘s family (the Hennessy family) who owned both CA 1 and CA 2 in the old days. They proudly donated CA 1 to the mayor, many years ago; and allowed a close family friend, Aaron Searle, to acquire CA 2 (above).
And that, my friends, is where we are today!
[thanks janine)