Well this is just great! I received an email from Warren L, telling me about some statue on a rock and this accompanying iol article.
Large statue keeps beachgoers guessing
January 08 2009 at 11:05AM
By Michelle Jones
Alien. Tribute. Mime artist. Religious statement. Mummy. A gift from God.
These are just some of the suggestions offered by baffled onlookers as to what could be gracing rocks beyond Camps Bay Beach.
A large white statue, in the form of a man with his hands outstretched, has for the past few days stood on the rocks just outside the Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa in Victoria Road near Oudekraal
The TBG, perhaps?
The hotel’s financial controller, Heather Blackie, saw a statue on top of a car as she was driving home on Tuesday.
Blackie said she didn’t think anything of it at the time, but when she saw the statue out on the rocks she made the connection.
“I did think it was strange to be on top of this guy’s car,” she said.
A “youngish guy” was outside the car putting on a wetsuit. She described the car as an “old fashioned hippie VW Beetle”.
“How he got it up there I don’t know.”
Front office manager Abraham Mouton said the hotel had received several phone calls from confused locals, tourists and media. “We have no clue what it is. But it’s drawing a lot of attention.”
Mouton said few of the guests had mentioned it as they were not aware it had not been there before.
Paul Sieben, head of Table Mountain National Parks marine division, said the statue had left everyone “shaking their heads and wondering about the reason”.
He wondered whether it might have been placed on the rocks by an artist keen to exhibit an artwork in an original way.
An investigation would soon be launched to determine who put the statue up and how they went about it.
A boat would be sent out to see what it was made of as soon as one became available.
Sieben said permission had not been given to place any structure on the rocks, about 300 metres from the road.
If permission had been sought for it, it wouldn’t have been granted, Sieben said. Any structure proposed for below the high-level mark needed to be subject to a complete environmental impact assessment.
Bernard Schaefer, Camps Bay resident and member of it’s community policing forum, said the statue was an “absolute mystery”.
The rocks on which the statue stands is completely surrounded by water.
“Someone with a boat must have done it. It must have been quite heavy to get up there and taken a few people,” Schaefer said.
That’s where the article ends. Just like that. The quote states that it must have been quite heavy. BANG! THE END!
Personally, I don’t know why everyone is making such a stink about it. It’s one of three things: 1) The TBG, 2) Mr. Mysterioso, or C) The Virgin Mary.
It’s THAT simple, my friends.
ps. I went to go and look for it to get a close-up for you, but it looks like it’s gone. If anyone has some decent shots of it, send them in please to editor@2oceansvibe.com
And THAT is how my story ends.
*POOF* (Seth disappears)