Paris Hilton has finally fulfilled her childhood dream of owning a car like the children’s toy doll, Barbie.
I had the same dream when it came to Noddy’s car that he used to drive. But then the shit hit the fan when his African friend, Golliwog, had to change his name, with regulators citing racism. Which is weird, because I call all my African friends Golliwog, and they LOVE it!
Seriously, try it out. It just seems to open doors.
I just didn’t want to get dragged into the mess, so I pretended not to covet Noddy’s wheels. Not that he should have had such sweet wheels in the first place. Noddy is like the most untrustworthy little creep you have ever come across. He seems sweet on TV, but apparently, behind the scenes, he is an A-class prick.
So anyway, check out Hilts and her ridiculous new ride.
I’m not sure what Ken will think of all this..
Those mags are, what we in the industry refer to, as “ridiculous”
I think I know a happy little giiiiirl!
Paris Hilton’s customized Pink Bentley has arrived.
The hotel
heiress recently received delivery of the car – a Christmas
present to herself worth an estimated $200,000 – fulfilling a childhood
fantasy of owning a vehicle like children’s toy doll Barbie.
She said: “I’ve just always wanted a pink car. I think when you’re a little
girl and you have the Barbie corvette you’re always like, ‘Oh I wish I had a
car like this one day’, so I think it just comes from being a fan of Barbie
for so long.
“This is a car that I cannot drive every single day but I will be driving a
lot. They put on protective tint on the windows so no paparazzi flashes can
come through.â€Â
The conversion was done by West Coast Customs, which you’ve probably seen on TV. To give you an idea of how good they are, take the entire staff, systems and workshop of Land Rover in Cape Town, blow it all up and start from scratch, being careful not to hire morons. I would suggest you then take all the new staff and take them on a SERVICE workshop, where they will learn basic skills, like remembering to do the work they were asked to do and returning phone calls.
CLICK HERE to watch Noddy take a ride in his car – gangsta style..