Wednesday, March 26, 2025

December 2, 2008


I read and enjoyed the original Is it Just Me or is Everything Shit, which I was given as a gift, and it remains satisfying reading for guests and the various Heads of State who visit The Safe House. There was also a local one that was published in the last couple of years called Is it Just Me or is Everything Kak? I didn’t read that, but I’m sure it was good. Nonetheless, the same publisher, Two Dogs have just published a new Afrikaans book called Is Dit net Ek, of is Als Tos?


Is Dit Net ek of is Als Tos


The book is written by Chopper Charlie & Griffin, who also happen to write for one of 2oceansvibe’s link buddies,

I must say, there is a unique joy I get from good classic Afrikaans humour – PARTICULARLY the moaning “waddiefok?” kind, mixed with English slang – which is exactly what this is.

This is what they said about Gareth Cliff:

“Dit is ontsaglik teleurstellend dat ‘n irriterende klein mannetjie vol angs met ‘n gesig vir radio dit tot op TV gemaak het as ‘n irriterende klein mannetjie vol angs met ‘n gesig vir radio.”

(Translation: It is extremely disappointing that an irritating little guy full of anger with a face for radio made it onto TV as an irritating little guy full of anger with a face for radio.)

It goes on, there are about another 150 of them, including the likes of Eskom and Xenaphobia (which makes reference to the “tweede favourite buzz term – load shedding”).

Stunning, good job, boys.

CLICK HERE to check out the book and buy a copy online (great Xmas prezzie for just eighty bucks).