Monday, March 24, 2025


I really wish we had these things in my day in London. My God, we hoarded a lot of crap. I remember carting a life-size Scooby Doo cardboard cut-out from digs to digs, all over London – along with the other crap (larva lamp included). I never did see the irony in boasting that the cut-out was life-size; when, in fact, Scooby Doo was not a living thing. What is life-size for a cartoon?


Your life


“Live the holiday” is a simple message. And even if you’re your first or second or, God forbid, 12th year in London, you soon realise that the more space you have, the closer you get to pretending you’re at home. In Cape Town. On the beach. With a beer in your hand and a maid at home.

I talk to you often about the things that are close to my heart – because that is where I keep all of you. Right here (whispering, quivering lip). Nothing is more important to me than your happiness. Your happiness is my happiness because I keep you all inside me. Deep inside me. No, deeper than that. Just there, where it touches at the back. Ja, there.



Back to the point. I want the ex-pats out there to know about this place. It is EXACTLY what you need for your vibe. It’s not like in South Africa where you can rent out an airport hanger. This is very carefully planned for your convenience. You can get pods to safely store things in from 10 square feet (Enough for a small closet including golf clubs, Skis, children’s toys, small furniture (single mattress), some other small personal items) to 300 square feet! CLICK HERE to see the different pod sizes.

And they give you the boxes and packaging you need. For anything.


Your life – if you put your crap into storage


Are you feeling my vibe?

Too much clutter makes you feel crap and it makes you look like shit.

Keeping things in your home that should be in storage makes you look like an idiot.

You will find a DRAMATIC change in your stats if you clear out all your junk.

This is what models do. Like, the WHOLE time!

And, what’s more, the girls running Storage Pod are known to me personally and they are absolutely gorgeous – FACT! The owner angel is actually married to a 2oceansvibe Character, known as “Six Figures.” And she is a little spunk, I tell you what! But don’t take my word for it, check her for yourself in this UK Sunday Times article.


Again, point proven..
People with awesome lives have no clutter


So, when your “Bank” gets Lehmanned by Hank Paulson you can ask these awesome girls to look after your stuff while you hit the beach in Thailand for 6 months and await the next great bull market run… which I heard is going to be in tulips.

The Storage Pod has a site perfectly suited to our London readers and their offer is endless. Their new warehouse is the smartest and sleekest of self storage facilities and as a member of the 2oceansvibe all you have to do is tell them that Seth sent you and they will fawn over you, feed you grapes and champagne and then give you a happy ending…yes, I know, exactly…A MASSIVE DISCOUNT!

This is genius, God knows this would be helpful in SA, but in London where the flats and houses are so small…it is TOTAL GENIUS. Get the bicycle out of the bloody way for the winter. And the snow board in the summer. Put the golf clubs in a locker down at The Pod. Hang the summer wardrobe up and pack away the old books and files.

Go to and let them sort your shit out. Don’t forget to mention 2oceansvibe for a discount.

For God’s sake just go and do it, your place looks like shit and she won’t sleep over again next time unless you get rid of all that crap in your room. FACT!