Friday, March 14, 2025

November 11, 2008


Some buddies of mine (including The Film Guy) have started this very cool Cape Town concept, called Taxi Jam. You can check out their website here. In a sentence : Taxi Jam is a selection of South Africa’s finest creative talent performing in an intimate 5 minute taxi ride.

It’s pretty fucking cool and I think this concept is definitely going places.


as seen at
[photo by clare thomas]


The website caught my attention even more when I noticed that my G-Man was one of the first musicians featured! A gifted performer and musician, Graham John Murray (G-Man) is no stranger to indulging in stray genius. It would be prudent at this point to mention that G Man was part of the white rap duo behind “No Matter,” the song of the summer a few years back.

Check it out:


CLICK HERE if that gives you any hassles


Naughty G-Man.

Why you so naughty?