Saturday, March 29, 2025

October 23, 2008


31 December, 1985, brought the closing of an era. After 35 years, Springbok Radio, our very first commercial radio station, closed it’s doors. If you don’t remember it then I can guarantee your parents will go all misty eyed at the mention of it. Give it a try. And then tell them they can access the old shows, online, anytime they want. They’ll lose their minds, believe me – mine did.




Get on over to and indulge in a bit of nostalgia and amusement, depending what angle you’re coming at.

Shows available online include Luv Radio Theatre, Taxi, High Adventure, Squad Cars, The Creaking Door, Playhouse, The SA Apollo 11 newscasts, The Pip Freedman Show, Die Wortel Van Alle Kwaad (Good Lord!), Die Volmaakte Uur and LOADS MORE (check out the shows here).

And if you’ve never heard of it and don’t give a toss, then mention it to your folks, at the very least. That’s IF they haven’t seenit here already – we have a incredibly wide net, here at 2oceansvibe!


[thanks jammo]