Friday, March 28, 2025

October 22, 2008


I know, I also had no idea that Barry Hilton was accused of stealing two paintings. Or anything, for that matter.


Bazza Hilton


Iol reports:


Comedian Barry Hilton is off the hook on charges of stealing two paintings.

His lawyer, Vanesh Naidu, told Beeld newspaper on Wednesday that Hilton was acquitted in Port Elizabeth on Monday.

“What strengthened our case is that the magistrate could not determine who the real claimant was in the case,” said Naidu.

“We might take legal steps in future for defamation and vexatious litigation,” added Naidu.

Hilton was accused of taking two paintings from an art gallery without paying for them on Christmas Day last year.

He later handed the paintings worth about R10 700 over to the police.

Rapport newspaper at the time reported that the artist, Paul van Rensburg, owed Hilton money after he had paid in advance for two paintings which he never received.

Apparently, Van Rensburg’s wife told Hilton he could take two paintings when he confronted her about the money her husband owed him. – Sapa


Well I’m glad that’s all sorted out.

We are yet to hear the outcome regarding him stealing my nickname and phrase, “The Cousin.”

EVERYONE used to call me that.

This was separate to the name they called me on the rugby field at school, which was “C-TAP.” (Coming Through At Pace)

“Pop it up for C-TAP!” they would cry..