Wednesday, March 26, 2025

October 20, 2008


So we’ve established that Madonna and Guy Ritchie are overs, and that she has been bonking New York Yankee, Alex Rodriguez. We also gather that she referred to Guy Ritchie as Emotionally Retarded at a concert in Boston last week and the messiness of their divorce promises to rival that of Paul McCartney and The Whorse (a whore that looks like a horse).

This has obviously resulted in massive headlines and discomfort for baseball’s highest paid player (ever in The Milky Way), A-Rod – who continues his duties at The New York Yankees, regardless.

These bona fide comic geniuii wasted no time in nailing the moment at a recent Yankees game. As featured in the New York Times.


a-rod + madonna
Have a good look at the first guy’s face.
With the beer in his one hand?

madonna a rod 1banner
That guy should be hailed as the biggest legend on Earth. Ever.

This is, quite truly, the funniest thing I have seen in at least the last two years. Looking at that photo, for me, is like eating chocolate.

So now is see Madonna is rumoured to be moving back to New York? For a chick who has acquired an actual English accent during her life away from the US, it’s amazing how she really has done a turn-around-jump-shot by shagging America’s top jock and potentially heading back to The Big Apple.


[thanks leo]