Monday, March 17, 2025

October 20, 2008


It’s been a while since I visited Beta Beach, and quite some time since the mad-man attacked me with an umbrella (pronounced “madmin” for extra annoyance). So Saturday was spent getting back into the groove.

Saturday – very kak

The prize for making a mockery of the day goes to this intrepid fellow who nailed it square between the eyes, and chilled on a pool lilo. Praise is due.


Killing it

But nothing can beat what was found at the Beach Pad on this glorious day. Some of you may have heard about the exclusive Cape Town services reserved for the genuine playboy entertainer. My favourite being the Jumping Castle Bunny service which provides the client with an indoor jumping castle and a bunny.

The buxom bunny is included in the service and bounces on the jumping castle in the background continuously for three hours – with 10 minutes of rest per hour. It’s the latest trend among the super wealthy and I give it my 100% backing.

Enjoy the sample video:

CLICK HERE if that doesn’t play

Aah, good times..