Tuesday, March 25, 2025

October 13, 2008


I haven’t made up my mind about the song itself, but I’ll give Britney the thumbs-up for taking a proven winning formula and repackaging it.

Britters in her new music video


It’s a given that the music video for her original smash hit Baby One More Time had a lot to do with the success. Granted, the tune was hot and spunky and right for that time in pop, but the synchronised group dancing scenes, with Britney and her crew dressed in schoolgirl uniforms, gyrating along a school corridor, clinched it.

[I was kidding when I used the word “spunky” earlier. I don’t really talk like that. But you know what I mean]

And so now, she goes and releases the song “Womanizer,” (which is no doubt a private dig at me) featuring the same group of synchronised performers, this time cavorting through an office, in corporate (and by “corporate” I mean “something out of The Office) uniform.

You see what she did there? She took a successful concept and tweaked it. Similar, I suppose, to my BRILLIANT gherkin joke; which can be adapted into a completely different, brand new joke, using, say, a carrot.

Check out the new video:


Ok, so there you have it. The new Britney video.
Done and dusted.
Them: “Did you see Britney’s new music video?”
You: “Yes”