Thursday, March 13, 2025

October 9, 2008


I was forwarded this from someone working in a Cape Town (Kloof area) production company. It was sent to everyone in the organisation. Please enjoy it!

[The email did not include this picture. I did that, just to add a bit of a vibe to the story.]

422px-Orange juice 1

Subject: BAD MOVE

To whoever it was that unceremoniously TOOK MY ORANGE JUICE that was in the fridge,

Next time u jep someone’s juice, think twice.. I have a bad tummy flu and had put my

Medication in my orange juice.. so be prepared to spray the walls!

Side effects of medication not good unless ur really sick with tummy bug.. these include: nausea, convulsions and
My favourite, bleeding from your butt..

So if you feel a bit “crap” later you kno why!


Oooh! Such anger, yet such joy! I love it!

Why was the word “crap” in inverted commas in the last paragraph?

[Hand instinctively covers mouth as penny drops]

Oh, I GET IT!! It has, what we call, a “double meaning!”

VERY good!


[thanks mike]