As well traveled as I am, I must admit that I’ve never been to Thailand. I don’t know too much about it.
Well, I suppose I do know a bit of stuff.
Like I know that the culture of Thailand incorporates a great deal of influence from India, China, Cambodia, and the rest of Southeast Asia. And that Thailand main theology Theravada Buddhism is central to modern Thai identity and belief. I should add that, in practice, Thai Buddhism has evolved over time to include many regional beliefs originating from Hinduism, animism as well as ancestor worship. In areas in the southernmost parts of Thailand, Islam is prevalent. Several different ethnic groups, many of which are marginalized, populate Thailand. I don’t want to go on about it, but it is interesting to note that some of these groups overlap into Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia and have maintained a distinctly traditional way of life despite strong Thai cultural influence. Interestingly enough, Overseas Chinese also form a significant part of Thai society, particularly in and around Bangkok. Their successful integration into Thai society has allowed for this group to hold positions of economic and political power, the most noteworthy of these being the Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who, as you know, held power from 2001 until 19 September 2006 when he was ousted by a military coup d’état.
Ja, so, just a bit of stuff… but I won’t go and call myself an EXPERT or anything.
So anyway, Kirsti L went to Thailand and it turns out that everything you’ve seen in the movies is true.
Check these out:
I like that
Read those very carefully
And there you have it! There are all SORTS of things you can do with your kitten.
It reminds me of this one BRILLIANT joke I can do with a gherkin! What I do is, I hold it in front of my trousers like this, and you can probably already get an idea of how funny it is. Can you see? Ja, IT LOOKS LIKE A…
Aaargh. I can’t tell you now – I don’t want to ruin it.
I’ll do it for you another time.
But it’s SO funny!
There is another, completely different joke you can do with a carrot. You hold it in front of your trousers AND IT LOOKS LIKE A …
No. I’m sorry. I can’t do it.
I’m not going to just give away ALL of my best jokes!