Tuesday, March 25, 2025

October 8, 2008


It’s common knowledge that access to 2oceansvibe has been restricted at various stuffy offices around the world. It is also widely reported that, for example, Lehman Brothers never allowed access to 2oceansvibe. Fat load of good that did!

Nonetheless, this is often not the fault of the company, but more an automatic block that occurs when a site’s content includes a swear word or two. This is something to do with the company “firewall.” Investec has one, for example.

The following website is a clever little thing that allows you to get around firewalls, and has been tested at the likes of Investec. Bottom line – it works. So if you have a buddy who moans about restricted access to fine websites and institutions like 2oceansvibe, tell them about this.

You ready?



That’s it! Simply go to that website , scroll down the page, type in https://www.2oceansvibe.com in the space provided (be sure to include the “http” part) and click GO!

It’s as simple as that. No more will you be treated like a child. No more will you look like an idiot when the topic of, and content from, SA’s most well-read blog website comes up at braais and dinner parties. You are now able to interact socially with other people. It is so awesome.

Welcome to your new life.

[thanks JD]