Tuesday, March 25, 2025

October 6, 2008


You know how Hustler and other porn companies often take normal movie names and then make porno’s with similar titles? Like Saving Private Ryan led to a porn rip-off called Shaving Ryan’s Privates. They go on, including Riding Miss Daisy, Beverly Hills 9021-Ho, White Men Can’t Hump, Good Will Humping… it’s endless.

So anyway, now they seem to be doing a similar thing with the US elections. In particular, TMZ reports that Hustler will soon be releasing Nailin’ Paylin featuring a busty Sarah Palin lookalike who features in “threeways with Hillary and Condoleeza look-alikes”.

Are you getting this?


328px-Lisa Ann DSC 0056
Lisa Ann plays Sarah Palin

According to TMZ, The lady they’re using to play Sarah Palin, is Lisa Ann, who “will be nailing the Russians who come knocking on her back-door.” In another scene — a flashback — “young Paylin’s creationist college professor will explain a ‘big bang’ theory even she can’t deny!”

Stop it.

Gov-Palin-2006 Official
Sarah Palin – owned

“The video is in pre-production, but is being fast tracked for release before the election.”

Of course it is.

And the world will be a better place for it.

An aside: I was at Rocking The Daisies this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed the T-shirt someone was wearing with the words, “UNFUCK THE WORLD” – quality.