Wednesday, March 19, 2025


I was surprised, amused and concerned (all at the same time) when I spotted this TIK test in the local 7-Eleven. Or, “Friendly” Store as it is actually called. It doesn’t make a difference what the place is called; it will never deter from the fact that it has always, and will always, have the worst stock-control in the Milky Way. Including their passion for being consistently out-of-stock of Judy’s pickled onions, Carmel Strong Dill gherkins and GoldCrest Jalapenos. One wonders what they do sell.

Oh yes, TIK tests..


IMG 3969
TIK – now you can test the whole family!


I remember reaching breaking point a while back and phoning the shop manager at the time (their staff turnover is nothing short of radical) whilst still frothing at the mouth following another failed car journey to the store for supplies. His response, when challenged on a can-opener issue, was “please understand sir, it is a CONVENIENCE store!”

“Yes, and a can opener would be pretty fucking convenient right now!” I shrieked as the phone went down.

I’m glad to see that TIK tests are deemed more important than Carmel Strong Dill Gherkins, Judy’s Pickled Onions, Goldcrest Jalapenos and can openers.

I’m also pleased to report that I have not taken TIK. I checked, and I’m clean!

In hindsight, a combination of those products could be quite dangaroo in the hands of a person high on TIK.

Good thinkin’!