Sunday, March 23, 2025

October 2, 2008


I don’t know much about Star Trek. I know William Shatner might have been in it. And Doctor Spock, with his funny ears. But then it gets hazey and the Star Trek vs Star Wars vibe starts to happen. There’s that little freak robot called R2-D2 and his crap gold robot friend – now I think they’re in Star WARS. It doesn’t make the faintest difference to me. Right now I just want to tell you about Diora Baird, the “new Star Trek chick !”


Diora Baird – with impressive eye makeup


Diora Baird – pushing the wall back

Nice hey?

I thought she was fine.

She will apparently play the part of “Orion Slave Girl” – pretty cool. Although, personally, I don’t think anyone’s work rate can compare to that of a pre-teen Cambodian child. I suppose in this case it’s more a visual treat, rather than actually getting the job done. Hey, whatever rocks your boat, guys – I’m churning out flip-flops here at a rate of 100 an hour.. I’ll get my rocks off somewhere else, thank you very much.

Be sure to check out this Star Trek website where the “Trekkies” as they call themselves, discuss Diora Baird. Shame. An odd bunch, they are, with their own secret language and all that. With Diora in the next Star Trek movie, they won’t have any problems scoring hot chicks!


“Star Trek 10 Nemesis” is available DVD Nouveau. Sick!