I must say, it’s about time someone broke it down. Hilarious reading for those of you who feel the pain. Important reading for those of you who have no idea.
I enjoyed the third commandment, “Thou Shalt Not “Friend†People You Don’t Actually Know”
Add as friend?
What does the word “friend†mean to you? It means different things to different people, but most would agree that a “friend†is someone that you actually know. Ideally someone you’ve met in real life. I know that’s not always going to be the case (Gladstone would have exactly ZERO friends on Facebook if he had to follow that rule), but I’m sure we can all agree that if someone is your friend, you should at least KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
If you vaguely remember someone from high school but you don’t remember how you actually knew them, then chances are you guys weren’t very good friends to begin with. Of course, it’s also entirely possible that you guys were total besties and you’re going through some sort of Memento-like amnesia. If so, disregard this commandment, add everyone you possibly can as a friend, and send them all messages that say, “WHO AM I? DEAR GOD, PLEASE TELL ME WHO I AM!â€Â
Very good. We’ve seen this before. In particular, I see Cape Town’s fashion industry has its fair share. You know it’s time to slow down when you’re staring down the barrel at 5,000 Facebook friends and you’ve got people writing on your wall, “Hi we received your confirmation that you will be attending our party/function, but we have no record of inviting you.”
That’s when you stop.
CLICK HERE to check out the rest of the
10 Facebook Commandments.
[thanks nix]