With MNET going for the versatile, yet semi-fresh, Shrek 3; it was annoying to find e-TV went for Bad Boys – as MNET win this week’s round of the Sunday Night 8 o’ clock TV movie wars.
e-TV get lazy
Sunday night 8 o’ clock movie aficionados will agree that e-TV have finally overplayed the Bad Boys I or II hand – trusting (hoping) that the Smith/Lawrence appeal will never die. And, whilst I would usually tend to agree, it just feels a bit too soon since the last one (whatever it was, I or II).
At the very least, we can perve David Duchovny’s wife Teo Leoni, subsequent to finding out that he went to rehab for sex addiction (not Montrose Place by the way, although they are said to have recently accommodated some high profile guests for a similar addiction).
A lazy choice by the leading terrestrial channel, nonetheless, ESPECIALLY after their recent Steven Siegal fuckfest that seems to come in waves throughout the year. If you want some easy shoe-ins that we haven’t seen for a while, why not impress the boys with a bit of The Bonfire of the Vanities? Or, dare I say it, Top Gun or The Colour of Money? The guys at SABC 1 scored serious brownie points a few months back when they pulled the former out of the bag – albeit with ads in between. But Jeepers could you imagine if they fluked The Colour of Money, in the wake of the great Paul Newman’s death? That would have been an absolute treat!
God, the gimps at SABC must have a TROVE of old classics at their disposal. It’s a pity they can’t tell their Newman’s from their van Damme’s. They should put someone from DVD Nouveau in charge of that. In fact, just have a little look here to check out their Paul Newman range.
Paul Newman
January 26, 1925 – September 26, 2008
A sad farewell to one of the kings, as the walls close in on the era of true living movie greats.
Something tells me it won’t feel the same when Clive Owen hits his 80’s and passes away.
Hang in there Jack, Al, Rob..we need you.