Sunday, March 23, 2025

September 26, 2008


Jonty sent me this wonderful overview of our new president, Kgalema Motlanthe.


kgalema-motlanthe 998782c
Kgalema Motlanthe
South African President September 2008-


The incredibly thorough report which spans everything from his childhood years to his views on Zimbabwe, included this little piece:


In an August 1997 interview with O’Malley he spoke with grudging admiration of the way in which Afrikaner nationalists had used political power to advance their volk. Even as they were looking after their own through state patronage, he noted, “they were also sending brilliant young ones through technikons overseas in Holland, Germany. They come back and they are deployed to run this institution or that institution. [Despite] much of the excesses of apartheid, one can’t help but admire their determination because they were exactly more or less in the same situation that we find ourselves in today.”



Read the whole piece here.