This weekend brought another dollop of sunshine, beauty, weed, sex and general spice. Not least of which being this pleasure craft of sorts spotted in the bay.
Now I’ve seen a lot of incredibly spicy boats and yachts along the shores of Camps Bay and Clifton in my time, but this is the first time I’ve seen one of these puppies. The first thing that came to mind was “my God, that would make a brilliant penis joke,” but then I realised it would be too heavy to pull off convincingly.
Seriously though, it looks like a jet of sorts. It’s so confusing. I just can’t get my head around it. It looks very fast, don’t you think?
Who are you? What do you want from me?
Very spicy yacht
Spotted yesterday at Clifton 4th
Without being able to decipher the words on the side, I didn’t know where to start my investigation. You can’t exactly go to Google and type in “it’s a boat and it kind of looks like a jet.” I also checked out Boating World’s website and didn’t find it there, so I’m pretty close to giving up.
If YOU know what it is, drop me an email at so we can investigate further.