Saturday, March 22, 2025

August 31, 2008


Seriously, this is very radical shit happening here.

I can’t believe it.

Friday’s lottery did not produce a winner and the EuroMillions lottery has rolled over for a SIXTH TIME.

Next Friday’s kackpot is sitting at €110,000,000.

In Pounds : £89,000,000 (89 million Euros. Say that out loud).

In US Dollar : $163,000,000 (163 million Dollars. How does that sound?).

In ZA Ront : R1,335,000,000 (Now say this out loud “one point three billion Rand).

I can’0t type pr0p0rly anym0r0 ‘cos I ke0p wa0nting t0 typ0 zer0es the wh0le time! Millions of zer0es, everywh0re I l00k!!!

There is only one word to describe this. It’s what I call “nuts.”

This is nuts!

Click here to check it out for yourself.