The Insurance Broker is no doubt in his element today as the gloved one turns 50!
No matter how hard he tried, Michael couldn’t get rid of the smell.
This, from MSNBC:
Michael Jackson turns 50 on Friday. What do you get for the man who has everything, including a killer discography, a couple of sexual assault accusations, at least one white glove, a sprawling ranch teetering on foreclosure, a family that can only be described as indescribable, and a button nose that often looks unbuttoned?
Reaching The Big Five-Oh is a profound event in every life. But for Michael, it represents a fork in his moonwalking path. One direction will take him to his own personal neverland, as in never be seen or heard from again. The other will lead him back to stardom and his rightful place atop the pop throne.
Which way will he go? Now that he’s 50, will he make it to 60? And what will he be like if he does?
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish my God-daughter Anna happy birthday, as well as Justin M and Pete T. Nice guys! Have a glorious day!
And to G Man and The Lawyer for hitting the two year mark.
And to Lindi for having five puppies last night.
My god, it’s all happening!