Those like-minded people out there will understand the enormity of genuine, well formed networks. Doing business through people you can trust, immediately takes it to the next level. More gets done and more money gets made. It breaks down barriers, you could say. If you didn’t realise what was going on at 2oceansvibe then you’ve missed it altogether. The key to it is like-minded ness.
Like, for example, the world of rugby – that’s another business network all on its own. A massive network. A powerful network. Portions of it even overlap into 2oceansvibe, as I’m sure you’ve noticed in the past.
And that brings me the subject of this article, which is to highlight the extraordinary undertaking of the Worlds first Rugby Expo. It’s in London 17-18 November, but its South African regional launch will be in Jo’burg NEXT WEEK Thurs 28 August!
I was chatting to The Character Formerly Known As The Loose Forward the other day about this and we noted how impressive it is that two other 2oceansvibe characters and Rugby World Cup players, Stuart Abbott (The Inside Centre) and Rob(bie) Fleck (The Outside Centre) are both involved in this mammoth affair! Astounding.
(Abbott would probably want me to mention at this point that his side won the World Cup in his year, but Fleck wouldn’t appreciate that. So I won’t. Especially since Abbott is a South African in English clothing.)
Check it out:
Rugby Expo aims to be the premier global business-to-business rugby convention. Rugby Expo 17-18 November 08 in London will be the largest ever gathering of business people involved in and interested in the world of rugby, including clubs, administrators, companies that support rugby and suppliers of services to the rugby community. Rugby Expo will be a festival celebrating and supporting the development of rugby as a truly global sport, offering wide-ranging and exciting business opportunities.
Click here to check out the Rugby Expo 2008 website
After successful regional launches in NZ and Australia,rugby expo is coming to South Africa. SA Ambassador Robbie Fleck and rugby expo representative Stuart Abbott will be at the launch. The launch will be handled by Kreatesa (also part of the 2oceansvibe family, as you will note by the banner advertising on the right of the page) and will be in Johannesburg on Thursday the 28th August two days prior to the test match between South Africa and Australia. Check the site out for news and more info.
Brilliant! It’s just brilliant! I advise anyone involved in any way with rugby, and who wants to change the world, to be there!
Do it. Do it. Go!
If you think you or your company would be interested in attending the Johannesburg event or exhibiting in London please email