It is a pity that the downfall of our entire nation’s Olympic team, has to be the grande finale of the never-ending litmus test used by those people left who continue to push the Crocs envelope.
You push. And you push. And you push.
Now look what you’ve done. We look like a bunch of tools.
Whilst other websites take great glee in writing about this subject, only to show a photograph of our athletes which has been trimmed from the athlete’s waste down (SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PROJECT RESULT = FAIL), we went straight to source and got you the pics.
This, featured as The Olympic Games Worst Dressed Country, on New York based fashion critique blog, Street Boners.
Oh my…. those aren’t what I think they are, are they?
Crocs! Oh my good Lord!
You’ll notice they went for the green. The same green as the “Y” in the South African flag. Can you see what they did there? They were being clever.
After all agreeing without blinking that Crocs would be the way to go, someone shouted out, “Oh my God, I’ve had a brainwave – we’ll get the same green as the “Y” in the middle of our flag!”
“YES!” they all shrieked. Brilliant idea, Tamara!
(Did you enjoy that very neutral name I went for there? Tamara = safe.)
So there you have it. Our Olympic team has been humiliated, thanks to Crocs shoes.
Wearing them for a specialised trade is one thing, but is is something completely different..
When will it be enough?
[thanks dom]