Sunday, March 23, 2025


I’m incredibly amazed that there are still people out there that are unaware of the availability of these heavenly, ultra luxurious, evil, yet sexual treats. In Cape Town. In GREEN POINT, no less.

You do know about Miss K, right?

You don’t?

[Muffled snigger – Holding fist to tight lipped mouth, eyes wide open, staring at you, embarrassed for you, but wanting to help]

Look at these, you’ll PLUTZ!


Oh my God!




Oh my God, I can’t!


But I must!


Now how delectably beautiful are those treats? For me it’s quite confusing. I want to eat them, but they’re so gorgeous that I usually end up just smearing them all over my face. Mmmm, jaaaa, das goedt!

It’s so difficult when I walk into Miss K because I always seem to get this instinctive compulsion to stage dive the display. I usually go with a friend so they can hold me back.

I doubt you’ll be able to hold back.

Don’t miss their brekkies and lunches either (open every day except Mondays). With the outside seating area, it’s just too cool for words. It’s quickly reaching the coolness levels of Hollywood’s The Ivy.

Trust me, I deal in coolness on a daily basis.