I was once again amused the other night when we went to Chris Rock. The Lawyer and G-Man went with me to the event in my car and attended the VIP after party held at the same venue (Grand West) afterwards. As with most of these VIP after parties, booze was on tap and it wasn’t long before people were grinding on the dance floor and I was ordering more champagne for the beautiful angels who were jostling for position. My phone rang and I excused myself, giving the newly-popped bottle to “Bambi.” I headed towards an exit sign and opened the door, revealing a fire escape. I closed the door to muffle the mayhem of the party.
“Mr Rotherham?” a woman’s voice enquired.
“Yes, this is he!” I barked.
“Hi, this is Natalie from Good Fellas. I just wanted to let you know your driver will be meeting you at the entrance in 30 minutes” she said, very professionally.
“Natalie, you sweet, sweet angel. I’m having a wonderful time here, could the driver please rather come at 01h30?” I asked.
“No problem, Freddy will be there at 01h30!”
Seconds later I received an sms detailing the new pickup time and place. Beautiful! I returned to our “booth” where people were, funnily enough, discussing how they were getting home – given the now very boozy theme of the evening. They asked me; and this is the part that amuses me.
“How are you getting home, Seth? Surely you’re not driving after all that champagne?” they asked.
“Nought, I’m not driving. My driver is driving us home,” I replied.
“Ooooh! your DRIVER! God, you are so POSH! I wish I had a driver!” they whined and gaaned aan.
It’s quite funny, really. It’s like they’ve never heard of Good Fellas – the service that comes to where YOU are and then drives YOUR CAR home, with you in it! It’s not like I have a 24 hour driver. Christ, what do you think this is, Dynasty?
“Have you seen my driver?”
But the beauty is this whole vibe that gets created when you see the same people at the same parties and functions and they keep hearing you referring to “your driver” (only when they ask – we don’t want to come across as crass, darling) and they keep seeing you leaving in the back seat of your car with “your driver” driving the car.
Good Fellas is a very slick professional service and they offer various packages, starting at as little as R60 a month. You need to check out their website and you need to get involved. You can’t drink and drive. It’s not cool and you will get caught. I’ve been using these guys for years and, because I’m a member, I don’t even have to pre-book them – as long as I call them 30 minutes before I need them, it’s fine. Nothing wrong with that – VERY convenient for when that lunch starts getting a little carried away…
It’s also pretty cool dropping off drunk angels at their places on the way home. They like you more because of it.
Check out the Good Fellas packages and details, FAQ’s etc. They’re available in Cape Town, Schweeburg, Durbs, East London, P.E., as well as Pre..Pre..PreTORIA (sung to the tune of Duran Duran’s Notorious).
Get signed up to Good Fellas ASAP.
Good Fellas
The smart way home
0861 433 552