Friday, March 7, 2025

October 26, 2007


A bird in the hand was clearly better than killing two in the bush with one stone for this young lady! My inbox has been involved in a bit of self-mutilation of late and, as a result, this TBG (Tall Blonde Guy) sighting was nearly gone forever! It is quite staggering that a sighting of this magnitude could hide away for so long after its inception – at this year’s Rocking The Daisies festival. Have a read over this and see how lightning truly CAN strike twice…


Hey Seth

So there I was at Rocking the Daisies in mid fight with the barman who had totally ripped me off by pouring me a quarter cup (yes cup) of wine. As I moved over to the next barman, who very kindly filled it up for me (check pic) I also noticed he had the most amazing mullet. Did anyone else notice the apparent mullet craze there? WTF?

Anyway, I turned around and all of a sudden this flash of white hair caught the corner of my eye. I had to do a double take and it was like everything around me went black and this heavenly light fell down on him. I knew at once that I had found him….. THE TBG.

It was like everything went in slow motion after that as I started running, pushing, leopard crawling, ANYTHING to get to him! Just imagine that Olympic music in the background as I made my way to him. I couldn’t contain my excitement and me being drunk did not help my loudness as I screamed “Oh my god, it’s him…. its the TBG!”

I think I must have embarrassed him a bit as he looked a tad bit uncomfortable as I was frog-hopping people and screaming at him to try and get to him. But he kept his composure and was probably gritting his teeth while he smiled and posed with me but nonetheless, he was every bit the gentleman.

And as if it was a sign, my friend just happened to be walking past us at the time with his camera and took a picture for me. What timing!

But there’s more! As if my day couldn’t get any better, I even saw him again in the evening, that’s twice in one day, people! Its like some kind of a miracle…. and once again, yes, you guessed it, I pointed and screamed “TBG!!!”

Man, he must have a lot of patience to put up with the loud, drunken Nikki.

What a legend.

Nikki T xxx

Staggering! Absolutely STAGGERING! And what a way to start this new week – with more reassurance that the great emblem still walks among us. Just checking on things – maintaining happiness, as well as the obligatory healing of children and mending of hearts…

Don’t ever leave us, TBG, life is naught without you..