As the great man appears injured
I did nothing but scream at the top of my voice when I first saw this picture. “Noooo! Please, dear God, Nooo!!” as I saw images of The TBG (Tall Blonde Guy) with blood all over his body.
But then I stopped and came to my senses. Like, hello!!!! It’s The TBG! Everyone knows that he doesn’t BLEED! That would make him HUMAN! I’m glad I was on my own because I was SO embarrassed – I went the brightest rouge! It seems the international megastar must have been out after a theme party and was just mucking about with some fake blood!
Let’s see what Nick S had to say:
The TBG with Harry Viljoen lookalike, Nick S
Once a night has started going downhill, it generally snowballs and more often than not things completely spiral out of control. Last night was starting to look like one of those. I had already lost my phone and broken my hand, (beware running up a flight of stairs with a beer in each hand, totally arseholed.) They say things happen in threes, I was worried. Deciding to cut my losses, I headed for the exit.
I am a bit unclear on what happened next. I remember feeling a cool breath of air on my face, beautiful music started running through my mind. (It could have been a David Hasslehof tune.) I could have sworn I saw a white dove. There he was looking right at me. I have never been in the presence of such glory. I was hesitant to approach him noticing the blood stains on his shirt. And then it dawned on me. The saint must have been fresh off a flight from some war torn country, spending his Saturday rescuing little orphans. And still he found the time to come have a dop with us normal okes! Unreal! I went over, introduced myself and asked for a photo. He happily obliged. These were the happiest two minutes of my life. The icing on the cake was still to come, he shook MY hand! He actually touched me! I still haven’t washed my hand. Its starting to smell a bit but I’m not bothered. We must all make sacrifices.
TBG, you are my hero. You touched my life and rescued me from an evening of hell. Thank you
Nick S
Thank you, Nick S. Aaah, another incredible story. Another life suspended, just for a moment, in ecstasy. This man will just not stop delivering joy and peace. Injury scare aside, it has been QUITE some time since I saw images of The TBG in such good spirits. And those SUNGLASSES! Good heavens! He just makes supercool seem so easy.
Just please don’t ever go, TBG, please – we need you.
Seth Rotherham
19 September, 2007 |