Monday, March 24, 2025

December 8, 2006


I received contact today from the people’s Springbok, AJ Venter. It seems that, whilst AJ is yet to have his moment with the TBG, he does somehow feel connected to the great man. I won’t say anymore. The beauty of AJ is you DON’T have to say anymore. He does it all himself. He gift wraps it for you. If I may:

Hi there, I was scanning over the 2oceansvibe website the other day like I do every day and I was gobsmacked to see that the TBG was wearing a shirt same as one of mine in my wardrobe. At that moment I felt that somehow I am linked to the TBG, I bought that shirt in a small shop in London, and what are the chances that a celebrity like him would wear the same brand as me.

So I included this photo to show you that I now feel that there is hope in this world and that I want to thank the TBG for making my day, Thank you Seth.

AJ Venter


AJ Venter
What an incredible moment. I don’t quite know what to say. I think you are definitely right, AJ. It seems you DO, in fact, have the same T-shirt as the TBG and I can fully understand and imagine how blown away you must have been when you found this out. Well, I don’t have to imagine – your photograph pretty much says it all. I agree with you, there IS hope in this world.

The TBG, wearing the same T-shirt as AJ Venter
It really is the same T-shirt! I can’t believe it! That is so weird, AJ. I think has happened for a reason. You could be like a TBG double. Like if the TBG wants to sneak into a nightclub, you could run and side-step in the other direction so people follow you, thinking that you are the TBG. Obviously you’ll both be wearing the Lucky 7 T-shirts.
Or if they one day decide to make a movie about the TBG’s life (that’s if they ever find out what makes him tick), they could use AJ to play his part.
The options are endless.
Well done, AJ.
Enjoy this moment.
Take it all in.