Tuesday, March 11, 2025

September 7, 2006


I must say, I do get quite a few fake TBG (Tall Blonde Guy) sightings and they’re pretty easy to tell apart from the real thing. You see, you can’t beat the real thing. The TBG is the Coca-Cola of tall blonde people and when you are presented with his image, you can just tell. It is the heat that people have felt radiate from his body. The “aura” that has been mentioned so many times and yes, yes, that trove of golden locks and ocean blue eyes. It becomes very obvious. Like these new pics we received from someone who recently holidayed in Cyprus.

Hey Seth,

I must apologise for failing you and only being able to get this long range shot of the TBG. But I assure you it is him. I have just come back from a holiday with my wife in Cyprus and there is a local restaurant on the water where we had lunch on most days. On the second last day I decided to leave the camera at the house because we had done most of our tourist pictures. My wife nearly drove her steak knife through my heart when the TBG walked into the restaurant and took a table two away from us. I couldn’t believe what was going on. It was like the worst luck mankind has ever known. He was sitting with an also tall blonde girl (very pretty). My wife approached the great force and told him how blessed we were to be in the same room as him. He laughed and GOT UP AND GAVE HER A HUG! Needless to say I have not allowed her to bath since then. Only kidding. But he WAS just the most incredible sight – with a smile that could power Eskom for 100 years. A true ray of light. Only now do I believe that he can heal children and speak in tongues.

We told him we wished that we had our camera and he said he would be in the area the next day. We hung around the restaurant in the morning and had to leave from the jetty at lunch time for a boat trip. Lunch time came and we got on the boat – WOULD YOU BLOODY BELIEVE IT – HE ARRIVED AT THE RESTAURANT!!! WE JUST MISSED HIM. I put my camera on high res mode and took these shots. If you zoom in on the shots there is no mistaking him. PLEASE believe it is him and PLEASE don’t say it’s fake because it’s not. Rather just embrace these pictures. The TBG was in Cyprus last week and that is a fact!

I love you TBG and so does my wife.

Simon R


The TBG’s companion seems annoyed at the camera


The TBG is alerted


You can’t mistake the real thing

God, you are incredible, TBG!

There is no doubt in my mind that this is the TBG. Well done, Simon R! You and your wife have just experienced a once in a lifetime holiday. How wonderful for you to go home and tell your friends that you basically ‘hung’ with the TBG in Cyprus. The holiday of a lifetime!

Cyprus – where dreams come true.